domingo, 13 de octubre de 2019

鮨 - Sushi

Usually one of the first things that come to your mind when you hear the word Japan is sushi. Surprisingly, what we usually call sushi here is an extremely different concept over there. One of the differences you can find is the name, different types of sushi go by variations of its name. The most common types are nigirizushi, makizushi, sashimi, and temaki.

Makizushi and Nigirizushi
In the picture above you can see nigirizushi, better known as nigiri. This is one of the most common presentations you can see in that country. Its characteristics are that it is simpler than normal sushi, you only have a small rice oval with (usually) a piece of fish on top of it. Once in a while, you can find it with other toppings such as egg (in this case a little bit of seaweed is used to keep it in place), shrimp, octopus, salmon roe, etc.

Temaki sushi

Temaki is also a pretty simple version of sushi but it's delicious. Its name comes from the Japanese meaning "hand made" after all it doesn't need a sushi mat. The nori seaweed is rolled in a cone shape and they fill it with the traditional ingredients.

the most popular type: makizushi
Now this one you know, right? Makizushi is the most popular kind around the world and it's usually the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the word sushi. Maki means to roll, which should be obvious why when you see the dish. Another common name it's given is nori maki (or norimaki, depends on the person). There are two variations within this kind of sushi, the futomaki, which is a fatter sushi roll, and the hosomaki the thinner version of it (this kind usually has one ingredient inside).
A sashimi plate
Sashimi isn't actually a type of sushi but it is still tightly related. Its name means perforated body (referring to the fish and meat). This is a dish made from raw seafood, fish and/or meat thinly sliced. It's served along with a sauce and a dressing (usually made of daikon radish). 
Well, know you know a little bit more about sushi. There is still a lot left to learn but the only way to do it is by exploring and discovering it yourself. Good luck adventurers!