jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

昇る太陽の土地 - Noboru taiyō no tochi

The land of the rising sun... If you don't know of which country this refers to don't worry, because here you would learn it and you would get to know it. Well, if you still couldn't tell by the title this blog is going to be about Japan. This country is recognized as one of the most important countries with big advances, wonderful and incredibly rich culture. Personally, I think it would be a great place to live in.
This are some of the biggest cities in Japan
Source: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/maps/asia/japan/
Japan has four main islands which are divided into 47 prefectures since the early Meiji period so they could replace the old feudal structure. This is important, so try to keep in mind the fact that prefectures exist. But, you must be wondering at this point what makes Japan so wonderful. Well, let us get to that...

+ One of the main things that impress me the most is the security over there, especially with the current situation in México. In Japan, you are free to walk around during day or night even on your own. Of course, no one is exempt of crime since even there you can be attacked or robbed but the odds are way slimmer.

+ Food in Japan is extremely tasty and healthy, it usually consists of mostly veggies and some kind of meat like fish, beef, chicken, pork, etc. Also, traditional food tends to avoid milk which is really helpful for lactose intolerants.

+ Something wonderful of this culture is how the traditional and modern traditions co-exist. There are cities (such as Kyoto) that are an amazing combination of traditions. Even in the most modern cities such as Tokyo, you can find some old-fashioned areas such as the shitamachi district.

Shitamachi district
+ There are so many more things that I wish to talk about but I don't have enough time so we would save them for later. Although I am going to go through one last thing that I can't resist. The cat cafe, they are literally that minus having to clean the litter boxes. It's such a wonderful idea combining cats and coffee especially if you are like me and love both of those things. This trend has been spreading over the world. Nowadays they even opened the first cat cafe in México! 

Resultado de imagen para cat cafe
An example of a cat cafe in Los Angeles